This course has helped me learn hypnosis in a practical way where I was able to receive feedback from trained, experienced hypnotists. I am grateful for the hands-on opportunity. Despite the length and at times, overwhelming course load, I appreciate the wealth of hypnosis information covered.

The Banyan Hypnosis Center is professional, efficient, organized with knowledgeable staff. Class instruction is thorough and meticulous. I was personally hypnotized by Calvin Banyan. The experience has been transformational and beneficial. I would highly recommend Cal Banyan’s method: Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis (5-PATH) for children, adults, and for the famous and elite. Cal Banyan can help you with anything, he is a true master. Thank you for teaching me 5-PATH and 7th Path. Always your student.

Once again, the second time around is even better. Content is superb, the best. Even a greater appreciation than I originally experienced… I feel privileged and grateful to partake once again of the elegance, brilliance and efficacy of this system of hypnosis. It is truly evolutionary, as both an art and a science. The jewels of 5-PATH, 7th Path and the Secret Language of Feelings is unparalleled in the hypnosis world, taking hypnosis into the necessary psychological literacy it so deeply requires.

Cal has been such a gift to humanity. This course has helped me overcome many difficult challenged I faced with my clients. The 5-PATH® is a system that will not fail you. the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® has been so crucial to my own healing. It has started a process internally that will continue to shift the course of my life. Thank you to everyone at the Banyan Hypnosis Center. Everyone should take this course!

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this course when it first started. Cal is such a dynamic, entertaining speaker, he had me from the very beginning. I would recommend this course to anyone, for both personal and professional reasons! Everyone that works at the Hypnosis Center has such positive attitudes. They really made me feel as if I were part of their family.

It is rare for me to find a field where the expert in that field is as skilled an instructor as he is a specialist. Cal’s ability to be the expert and still teach from his expertise created a learning environment filled with professionalism, integrity and value. A systematic approach with enough flexibility to accommodate the various learning styles made this a rewarding experience, not only from the perspective of a student of hypnosis, but as a person who travels and teaches. I love good teachers, and Cal’s mastery of the subject of hypnosis and his obvious love of teaching is inspiring! I came for hypnosis, but I received so very much more. Thank you!

7th- Path was completely revealing, inspirational journey vibrating deeply into my soul with divine messages. This technique brought a lot of clarity and profound positive personal change. I received this gift, from our instructor Cal D.Banyan, with joy and gratitude and I commit myself to share it as a 7th path teacher. With great pleasure, I want to thank Cal and everyone from the class for the two transformational weeks