I feel this course was the best thing I could have taken to advance me

I feel this course was the best thing I could have taken to advance me professionally and personally. I received my NGH certification less than a year ago and felt quite comfortable with standard inductions and direct suggestion scripts. The problem was I knew that many clients had underlying emotional issues at the root of issues for which they were seeing me and I had no hypnotic tools with which to address those issues. 5-PATH® has made me secure in knowing that I now have the ability to go deeper and make profound changes in people’s lives. There’s a lot of information packed into 7 days and there will be an absorption period but I feel I was given all the necessary info to use this technique immediately. I also feel secure in my ability to perform rapid inductions and create somnambulism in my clients.
7th Path™ was a profound personal experience for me. Changes that occurred that week have remained and are ongoing in their development. I wish to teach this to everyone I love and care about so they too can reap the benefits physically, mentally, emotionally and most of all spiritually. I believe 7th Path™ is life-changing.
Cal Banyan is to be commended for being an excellent teacher. Those long days were excellently paced with a wealth of information presented with enthusiasm, warmth and humor. I never once lost my concentration while Cal was talking!
Most of all, Call is a role model for all of us. An excellent hypnotherapist, teacher and mentor, he has taken his goodwill toward mankind to another level through his dedication to 7thPath and his intent to share this with all of us. Thank you Cal.

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