The love, care and attention he brings to his work is truly awesome

I think now that I have been back in the field I have so much better an idea of what I received on the Week of Power. When I signed up for the training I thought it would be useful to have a structure around which I could process my work with clients. The training has certainly delivered on that score but what I had not expected was how generous and inspired a trainer Cal is. The love, care and attention he brings to his work is truly awesome and yet exactly as it should be! This means that, in my experience, the vast majority of trainers out there – and I have seen a fair few in my years – use training events as ego massaging and ownership staking of their particular patchworking of other people’s reworking of previous ideas and that Cal brings training back to what it ought to be: the mindful garnering and harvesting of one lot of experience offered for the enrichment of one’s peers and students.

Cal has inspired me to remember what I know and to believe in my ability to apply and develop the skills that I have been shaping with my senses over the years of my life. I am sitting so much more comfortably in myself and therefore so much more deft at what I am doing. The 5 ‘n 7 PATH system has brought a clarity and a wonderful ongoing international community of support to the development of my work. So thank you Cal Banyan, thank you.

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