About Cal "calbanyan" Banyan

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Posts by calbanyan

I appreciate the wealth of hypnosis information covered

This course has helped me learn hypnosis in a practical way where I was able to receive feedback from trained, experienced hypnotists. I am grateful for the hands-on opportunity. Despite the length and at times, overwhelming course load, I appreciate the wealth of hypnosis information covered. Connie Davis, MA Flower Mound, TX

Class instruction is thorough and meticulous

The Banyan Hypnosis Center is professional, efficient, organized with knowledgeable staff. Class instruction is thorough and meticulous. I was personally hypnotized by Calvin Banyan. The experience has been transformational and beneficial. I would highly recommend Cal Banyan’s method: Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis (5-PATH) for children, adults, and for the famous and elite. Cal Banyan […]

Content is superb, the best

Once again, the second time around is even better. Content is superb, the best. Even a greater appreciation than I originally experienced… I feel privileged and grateful to partake once again of the elegance, brilliance and efficacy of this system of hypnosis. It is truly evolutionary, as both an art and a science. The jewels […]

It is rare for me to find a field where the expert in that field is as skilled an instructor as he is a specialist

It is rare for me to find a field where the expert in that field is as skilled an instructor as he is a specialist. Cal’s ability to be the expert and still teach from his expertise created a learning environment filled with professionalism, integrity and value. A systematic approach with enough flexibility to accommodate […]

7th Path was completely revealing, inspirational journey vibrating deeply into my soul with divine messages

7th- Path was completely revealing, inspirational journey vibrating deeply into my soul with divine messages. This technique brought a lot of clarity and profound positive personal change. I received this gift, from our instructor Cal D.Banyan, with joy and gratitude and I commit myself to share it as a 7th path teacher. With great pleasure, […]