Category: Uncategorized

As someone who originally qualified with distance-learning, I found the Week of Power awesome and very aptly-named. I thought I was doing pretty well before, but now I feel like I’m doing at least twice as well! I would recommend this course to anyone who really cares about becoming the best in their field, including […]

This class has transformed me as a hypnotherapist. There was a lot of information but it was so well presented, with superior supporting material, handouts, scripts, videos and opportunities to practice that I feel confident and excited to begin helping my clients with these powerful processes. My own experience with 7th Path™ has been enlightening. […]

I wanted to learn more about therapy using hypnosis and I came to the course for this reason – to learn 5-PATH®. However, the course far surpassed my expectations. I did learn about how to be an effective and competent hypnotherapist from a very gifted and experienced teacher, Cal Banyan, but also learnt about a […]