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I had a wonderful experience during the training. Learning 7th Path Self-Hypnosis™ was more beneficial than I ever imagined. I felt much more confident in working with clients simply by learning and practicing the 7th Path. The 5-PATH® process is a very complete and systematic program, which Cal more than adequately explained! Cal took so […]

This is one of the best courses I have attended for professional development as a Therapist. I was already a qualified hypnotherapist and Calvin Banyan’s approach to this training is commendable. He is passionate about his subject and this comes across with sincerity and congruency. His model has embellished and challenged my map of therapy […]

The Advanced Hypnotherapy Training course was transformative for me both personally and professionally. A lot of courses might promise to give you the tools you’ll need to be successful as a hypnotherapist, but this one really delivers. Cal is a dedicated and driven instructor, making every moment of the course valuable during the entire seven […]

Cal presents this course in an intelligent and professional manner laced with wit and humor. His passion for his profession and for teaching is evident. Taking this course is a life changing event. The personal growth that I experienced during this time is almost unexplainable. Thank you Cal for your precious gift of the 7th […]

As a practicing psychotherapist, I am awed! Cal’s authenticity & spirituality shines through in his dedication to development of material that gives practitioners a tool to help clients heal quickly. 7th Path is the greatest meditation I have ever experienced to integrate mind, body, spirit and release negative emotions. It is life changing and world-changing. […]