I have gained knowledge, wisdom, methodology and optimism to move forward in the world of hypnotherapy

This course which lasted two weeks is certainly the most challenging, inspiring and insightful. I would even go to say “Perhaps the Harvard of the hypnotherapy courses”(having attended a few courses before this, I can confirm). The reasons simply are two-fold:

  1. Cal Banyan – the Instructor. He is passionate, driver and relentless in the task of teaching ad imparting knowledge to his students (almost manic!). Anyone can see I feel the integrity and the drive combined in Cal to make each of his student a successful hypnotist – the best there is!
  2. The 5-PATH and 7th Path system based approach fives you science, structure, results and confidence. These become successful tools for anyone to practice and succeed.

I have gained knowledge, wisdom, methodology and optimism to move forward in the world of hypnotherapy. Thank you, Cal & Maureen!

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