I have leaned so many things more than I thought I would

I have leaned so many things more than I thought I would. I only went to this training to be a Certified Hypnotherapist but I had so much more. The most important thing I have gained and learned and very much thankful for was when I learned to know about myself. I believe and I know I was meant to be here and I am so blessed for the training. I know that to be able to be more effective in helping others is to know yourself first and all your potentials and capabilities and I now know that I’d be able to help more and touch more lives because of the Banyan Hypnosis Center. Cal is a very good instructor and certainly will touch more lives. Thank you very much. I would love to attend more training from this center and continue to be in touch with the center. I would certainly recommend your center and everything that has to do with Banyan Hypnosis Center and Cal Banyan to everybody I know that needs your services.

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