Absolutely the best return of my money and time and that is real rare these days. After this course, if you haven’t got a giant head start on the rest, ten you must’ve missed it, because everything you need from step by step instruction to relentless drilling and practicing is a basic fundamental of the Banyan Hypnosis Center. Thank you Cal and Maureen.

Everything you would want in a Hypnosis Training. Clear, concise, practical information. Something you can use right away. This course gives you the confidence to go out and start seeing clients immediately. Never a dull moment, very entertaining!

Brilliant! This training is by far the best investment I’ve make in myself since becoming a professional hypnotist 4 years ago. Cal Banyan’s teaching style is a delight and so thorough that it’s really easy to enjoy the learning experience here at the center.

Cal Banyan has a passion for hypnotherapy that is contagious. This course both motivates and provides the necessary tools to begin a practice with confidence. It delivers on it’s promises ten times over. Thank you!

This course is fantastic. I recommend this course to any serious potential student. Calvin Banyan is a great instructor with a lifetime of experience in this field. The staff at the Banyan Hypnosis Center is extremely friendly and helpful.

I came to the Banyan Hypnosis Center with only the knowledge that I had chosen the very best place to learn the cutting edge of self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy. The experience of the last 10 days has been so much more than I could have ever hoped for or imagined. I am truly proud to say I learned from the very best, cause I now know what that actually means. Thank you.

I am inspired after your course and thank my Delta for putting me on this Path! This is an awesome course, professionalism presented with humor and which makes all that our class learned so much fun. I look forward to putting this knowledge to work in the near future. Thank you, Cal, Maureen, Elronn, Danny and Taylor!