I have gotten more out of their course in 10 days than my previous courses in life. I give it an A+. Cal is the best teacher in the world. Very knowledgeable and wonderful sense of humor. It was easy to learn because it was so well organized.

One thought just kept ringing through my mind the entire time I was taking this course; “WOW this is so much better than I expected.” The class covered so much material in such a short time, yet it was presented in a way that was easy to follow and really made learning easy. The manuals that go along with the course are going to be a fantastic reference for the future. I just can’t imagine how it could ever get any better than this.

Much more than ‘just’ an excellent course on hypnotherapy. Cal took us on a wonderful journey – each one of us in our own special way. Powerful. Thought provoking. Life changing. Cal has given us incredible tools to do some much needed healing of others and ourselves. Give a man a fish – feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish – feed him for a lifetime. Thank you Cal for teaching us how to fish.

The class was jam-packed with great information, not only pertaining to hypnosis techniques, but the hypnotherapy business…

Cal, this was the best course that I have ever taken. You pushed very hard to make me live up to what I could do and it has forever changed my life. Many thanks.

Complete explanation of materials/ideas presented. Materials nicely organized and easy to follow. Cal has a thorough grasp on the material and presents it well. Also allows for the class questions/interaction so you understand the material. Very patient with students! Thanks!

I wish I had taken the basics with you. I don’t think the problems I have had implementing hypnosis would have occured. Since attending this class I was able to fill in the gaps AND learn the very powerful 5-PATH® way.

This is my second time through Cal’s course and it was more meaningful, because I was able to benefit from the foundational experiences of the 10-day course. I experienced 5-PATH with some hypnosis already under my belt and it will help me to make the necessary course corrections. I enjoyed 7th Path more, too, seeing the advantages of using a tool to redress misperceptions from my past and create feelings of peaceful gratitude.

The course and the instruction were fantastic. I received far more than I ever imagined. That facility and everyone is very well planned and seemed to function well.