Course and instructor were excellent. Very useful, organized logical information presented by a committed knowledgeable instructor.

I could not have made a better choice! The level of education at the Banyan Hypnosis Center. The training and professionalism has exceeded my expectations! Not only do I feel confident and competent to help my clients reach their goals, but, I have also experienced a personal transformation. Thank you, Cal & Maureen!

I am so grateful to Calvin Banyan for sharing his knowledge with all of us. Also for making such a profound difference in my life, for teaching me and for delivering on his promises. I would recommend this course for all the people that have the will to change this world to a better place.

The first day Cal told us, “This is a hard class” and he meant it. We learned far more than I could imagine and Cal taught it very effectively. I only recommend this class to people who are very serious about learning how to do the best possible hypnosis work with their clients.

Absolutely awesome! God has really blessed you both. Keep up the good work! Anyone that asks me about becoming a hypnotherapist, I will send them to you!

I entered this course with pre-conceived notions, judgments, and expectations of what I would learn before the course ended and returning home. However, I was not prepared to be disappointed and disenchanted. NOT, because of the vast knowledge, skills, insight, personal/professional growth, and development I experienced during the course. As well as bonding with other professionals around the world.

But, disappointed and disenchanted that I had limited my ability to grow as a person and professional for many years until attending Mr. Banyan’s course. Mr. Banyan, Ms. Maureen, Mr. Elronn, and Ms. Tally are incredible human beings that emanate immeasurable amounts of positive energy, a wealth of knowledge and kindness.

Mr. Banyan’s extensive knowledge in multiple disciplines and solid theoretical foundations delivers a thought provoking, participant friendly, curriculum ready course that delivers.

Dear Cal and Maureen. I wanted to let the last hours of coursework sink in before giving my full impressions of the training I received at Banyan Hypnosis Center over the past two weeks. Your 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy Certification course was one of the most intensive learning experiences of my adult life. I found the structure of the course to be excellent and well designed for adult learning. The integration of 7th Path Self-Hypnosis™, the immediate application of knowledge through practice, and student sharing during class produced incredible insights and confidence in learning. Useful feedback usually has some form of critical insight or suggestions for improvement but I am at a loss for any such offering. If I were to take the class again knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t change a thing. I believe that we are often changed by learning, but something more than that happened during this experience. Your course embedded within it a transformational opportunity. One would have to work at not being personally, deeply and positively impacted by the time spent learning this material, practicing the techniques, sharing the experience and bathing in the wisdom present. I believe that every member of our class experienced some form of personal transformation during the two weeks. I whole heartedly recommend, and will certainly promote, your training and services center and this course.

I am actually hesitant in writing this because I do not believe I have the words to give Cal Banyan’s powerful teachings justice. However, as a previous counselor I realize that I may have had the training to assist others in helping themselves in certain areas, but learning 5-PATH® and 7th Path hypnotherapy I learned how to help others truly heal and grow which is so much more powerful. Furthermore, Cal Banyan is truly the master of this field. He has a unique personality and a unique way of teaching, putting his heart and soul in it.

Having been through many classes and courses and going through a constant and never ending learning process gives me some credibility when I state that the Banyan Hypnosis Center is truly a model for other schools, and hypnotherapy practices. Every aspect of this training and practical approach is orchestrated and purposeful for the creation of an optimum learning place with security and dignity. I truly believe that 7th-PATH® has been channeled through Cal and this awakening in his students will keep this renaissance alive and moving forward.