The Advanced 5-PATH® and 7th Path™ class was everything I had hoped it would be and much more than that. If you are on the fence about the importance of taking this class in person, get off the fence and make your reservations.
I would like to thank Cal and his entire staff for providing me with the knowledge and confidence to become a better hypnotist and, through 7th Path, a better person.

Going through this class the second time has been enlightening. I have been doing 5-PATH® with clients for several months, however, I think this added so much knowledge in techniques I could have been using. I studied the tapes after the class and prepared but it is so much cleare to watch and listen to Cal in person. Thank you for this opportunity. I now know I am ready to teach 7th-Path™.

I have been a successful hypnocoach since 2003. What I wanted was a more efficient, effective way to make my hypnotherapy sessions better. In the past 10 days of training, I have received everything I wanted. I now have a system to help clients with any issues they may have. Cal is a strong, determined, empathic, and passionate teacher. I will be furthering my training with him with great enthusiasm.

This is a really excellent course. Cal Banyan has taken all the insights of Dave Elman and refined them into a very clear, concise, and easily learnable program. In particular, his 5-PATH® program is a direct, elegant, and precise approach to age regression which is then integrated with forgiveness therapy and parts mediation therapy. By combining this with a unique approach to self-hypnosis(7th Path Self-Hypnosis™) Cal Banyan opens the door for clients to process their major life events, both in their past and their future for themselves. All set against the background of their reality which is only here and now.

Wonderful, amazing experience. Experienced joy, sadness, grief, anger. Would like to teach this to other people. Wanted to be a nurse when I was a child, but didn’t follow that path. Now I feel I can heal other people by sharing this experience with them

5th – 7th Path™ course has given me a true direction in my life. I have spent 20 years as a oil & gas specialist albeit not fulfilled. I have spent 2 weeks studying 5 & 7 path and now feel a sense of direction, more so, feel I have re-connected with myself spiritually. I can only express a deep sense of gratitude to Cal and his dedicated team. I will move on in my life feeling more secure knowing I have 7th Path™ in my life.

This is my second time through the class and it was great! Besides the deeper and more complete learning of 5-PATH®, I was brought to a whole new level of understanding of 7th-PATH™ and just how important and meaningful it is. Cal is a great teacher. He makes it very interesting, explains clearly, and adds in that touch of humor that makes it fun! Thanks so much!

Vickie Smith, BS, CH, RM Adrian, ND

This is a life-changing class for a hypnotist who appreciates processes that provide extremely successful results for your clients! The class provides more than I could have ever expected and did meet all of what I wanted to accomplish. It’s not for all hypnotists, but, it is invaluable to those who want something very different and powerful!

Excellent course, love the drilling. Cal is down to earth, no-nonsense, funny Master Teacher who holds nothing back! I have learned more about hypnosis than all the courses before! I recommend this to any serious health professional.