5-PATH® is great!

This class far exceeded my expectations. We went from 8-6:30 daily and there we were actively engaged the entire time. Cal Banyan is a master teacher, who has created quality materials. He has a systematic approach that he explains thoroughly in an entertaining yet highly professional way. I have taken numerous courses in college, graduate school, and workshops. Cal Banyan is among the very BEST I have has the opportunity to learn from. I am thrilled that I took this course and got more than my money’s worth. Thank you, Cal & Maureen!

Cal is great. He truly wants you to succeed. Course was laid out so you get the practical experience to do hypnosis.

The course was very interesting and life fulfilling. 7th Path taught me a true understanding of myself and also made me realize what baggage I have been carrying. It feels good to let that go. I came into the class with high expectations (considering I work here and have heard all about it for quite some time). My expectations were met. Cal is very knowledgeable about his work and he truly enjoys teaching. At times I became a little overwhelmed, but soon overcame that. I am confidant to go out and do the work. (I have two clients ready to go next week.)

The course was very informative. The quality and content covered in the class, given the time frame we had to learn, demonstrates Cal’s skill as a teacher and wealth of experience molding effective hypnotherapists. The class was arraigned such that I never grew tired of learning, and each section of material was tailored, using principles of learning psychology, for optimum retention. As an online student, I found that the experience was surprisingly much like being in the class. We were able to participate via live video feed, and this interactive experience made the experience very rich, as we were able to get our personal questions answered, as well as benefit from others’ feedback. Most valuable, we were able to have supervised practice each day, in order to critique and improve our performance. Without that experience, my knowledge would still be great from the Banyan videos, but I would not be nearly as competent and confident in my own skills as I am having had the opportunity. The methods covered in class really are unlike any other program I have used to learn hypnosis skills, and, in my opinion the best, most streamlined course, with the best method for deeply effecting change and reliably tapping into deeper states of hypnosis necessary for hypnotherapy. The methods are reliable and work. Furthermore, the 7th PATH materials covered in the course were absolutely terrific. They enhanced my own understanding of hypnosis, but, more importantly, they provided an excellent way to transform one’s own life that is tailored for ABSOLUTELY ANYONE willing to improve, regardless of any personal demographics. I am just so pleased and I value every penny I spent.

I think this course is awesome, and I agree with Cal about what it is worth, but with the currency exchange that’s about how much it cost, and I still think it is priceless. Cal’s professional and personal experience makes this course absolutely amazing and so much better than any hypnosis course out there. It’s too bad this is not part of the mainstream Psychology curriculum, I honestly think it should be. I loved everything about it!

This workshop gave me all the tools I need to enhance my Women’s Health Care career. Cal gave me a solid hypnosis knowledge base. Many hands on practice opportunities and the day to day hypno office practice guidelines. The class time was enhanced by his quick wit and masterful teaching techniques. 7th Path has already relieved many of my fibromyalgia symptoms and has started me on the road to emotional and physical health and wellness. Lastly, the camaraderie with the other students was awesome! We plan to maintain our friendships via e-mail and meet at the NGH conference . It is time and money very well spent. Take the 1st step to a new you!

I have to say this was the most enlightening two weeks of my life. At this point, I feel as if I am capable of doing anything that I choose to do. I am confident in my abilities, but it is so much more than being just confident and capable, I have a knowing deep within me that I am going to be doing what it is that I am supposed to do. I am secure in the choices I have made. Thank you, Cal, Maureen and staff.

This “Week of Power” is so much more than that! The 5-PATH® methodology is ingenious in its simplistic approach to complex theories. 7th Path intertwines with 5-PATH®, bringing the past into the future and beyond. As a practicing 5-PATH® practitioner, this week was invaluable in reviewing & extending my knowledge base. 7th Path™ is the cherry at the top of the Sundae! Thank you! Thank you!

It was the eye-opening event of my life!! I really got much more from the course than I can ever imagined. I got into it thinking that I am ‘just’ going to learn hypnosis and what I have gone through was mind-blowingly awesome and is definitely much much more. We are so luck and honoured to have Cal Banyan, our Instructor. What can I say, he’s the MAN! The way he teaches are clear, precise, and make it simple for us or to me (at least) to understand. He really gives his heart and soul into teaching and was totally patient with us in some of the more trying times. He is truly an inspiration for me.