Cal is very thorough, he is passionate about what he is teaching and wants all who take the class to represent the highest standards in the hypnotherapy industry. His goal is top create 1%ers and he is determined to help you succeed by providing tools after the course is over to help you continue to grow professionally as well as personally. He has provided on line groups to help you by having experienced hypnotherapists available to help answer your question and support your continued development. It was a pleasure to take the class and look forward to continued growth within the Banyan Hypnosis Training center.

This course which lasted two weeks is certainly the most challenging, inspiring and insightful. I would even go to say “Perhaps the Harvard of the hypnotherapy courses”(having attended a few courses before this, I can confirm). The reasons simply are two-fold:

  1. Cal Banyan – the Instructor. He is passionate, driver and relentless in the task of teaching ad imparting knowledge to his students (almost manic!). Anyone can see I feel the integrity and the drive combined in Cal to make each of his student a successful hypnotist – the best there is!
  2. The 5-PATH and 7th Path system based approach fives you science, structure, results and confidence. These become successful tools for anyone to practice and succeed.

I have gained knowledge, wisdom, methodology and optimism to move forward in the world of hypnotherapy. Thank you, Cal & Maureen!

This course provided me with everything I need to begin my career as a hypnotherapist. Cal is a firm, direct trainer, who is clearly passionate and highly skilled. The training was well organized and facilitated, providing an optimal environment for learning as well as personal growth. We were provided with lots of practice time to put each other under hypnosis, be in hypnosis and observe the process. It has all been very confidence building and rewarding.

I Enjoyed the course. 5 PATH® was absolutely terrific. I can’t wait to apply what I have learned. The 2 hours of practice each day was very valuable with you and Marc giving us feedback. Thanks and well done.

I came into this course feeling unsure of myself, wondering how the heck I would ever be competent in doing hypnotherapy for people. I am coming out of this course today, feeling confident, competent, and having the courage to practice what I’ve learned. The course is fabulous-a total package of practical information & experience that gives the student more knowledge & skill than any other courses out there. The cost of the course is more than reasonable; each member of the Banyan team is more than generous with their time, experience, knowledge, guidance, positive care giving and cheerleading (and they’re just plain nice, too! It was nice to never have to worry about coffee & snacks)! The instructor miraculously covers and impossible amount of material in 10 days and requires students to get their hypno-feet wet right away-no one graduates without proving that he or she can really do this work. It is inconceivable to me to learn that many courses offered elsewhere do not provide such a rigorous practicum. This course is the cutting edge in bringing a real standard of professionalism to this field. I feel confident that the training &materials I’ve received have empowered me to go home & begin my business-of helping people & making a living that I can be proud of. Everyone at this center is teaching-I’ve learned a lot from the office assistant, interns and IT folks-I learned a lot from the way the center environment is set up. My only criticism: I would have preferred not being in fluorescent light for so long.

I learned a lot during the 2 weeks of training. Thank you!

“Boot Camp for Hypnotherapists” explains it all. It’s been a complete experience of learning and feeling the power of hypnosis. This course is Awesome!

I thoroughly was inspired with the 7th Path and feel like its a calling to have been drawn to your class. The 5th Path will take alot of practice but once I get the kit and practice will get generated. I enjoyed your expertise and very well educated and live what you do which projects to all your students. I am eager to learn the Ultimate Recognitions and hope to see you and take workshops at the guild meetings. Thank you for everything. Hope to visit soon.