Most excellent- A major overhaul of the practitioner and hypnosis skills set.

The elegance of the 5-PATH® & 7th Path™ techniques brings together a lot of what I know, together with a lot I wasn’t aware of, honed to only that which is most effective. It is inspired and inspiring – as is Calvin Banyan, the creator. The two techniques in concert provide a wonderfully complete and rounded process. It is like being an architect and finding the perfect building materials that won’t crack or crumble. Once built, with all the pieces in place, there stands a beautiful structure – able to deal with wind, rain & natural disaster.

Thank you Cal! You are a great teacher and outstanding instructor. I am so happy to participate in this class and I learn much more than I expected before I join the class. 7-Path is so effective and it helps me to feel good about my past. This is amazing, I recommend to anyone who are interested to be in the hypnosis profession and would like personal development. I will do my best to use the techniques I learned to help others. Life is good, we can go for a better future!

This course far exceeded my expectations of what I was to learn. I had no idea when I signed up how much focus was to be placed on personal growth, but I know this was meant for me, and I loved it. The pain was so much a part of it. Thank you, Cal, for reassuring me that what you do is credible and life changing. Your passion is so evident. Thank you, Maureen, for your professional skills, and Anne, thank you for your understanding and knowledge. You have definitely been guides for us. I look forward to doing ‘the dance’ with others.

This course changed my life. I learned how to help people change their lives. The instructor walks and talks what he teaches. Cal demonstrates daily that he is an exceptional example of what he teaches. My profound respect and gratitude for the gift I received, “The Gift of Life.”

The best course offered to get certified as a hypnotherapist, as a 5-PATHer and a 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher. It is a privilege to learn from the master/founder and author himself. Cal Banyan who has gone through years of practice and research that has given credibility and high effectively of the system. My life had dramatically changed as well being a 7th Path Self-Hypnosis practitioner and learning more from Cal himself gave me more and better perspective of the course.

This course has been a blessing in my life. When I researched hypnosis on the computer, there was a reason that your name and sheet kept coming back on my screen. You are a wonderful instructor, so gentle, caring and funny (as in humorous). I will leave this course not only with the knowledge to do hypnosis, but with the strength to do it, 5-PATH gave me the knowledge but 7th Path is the courage and strength. Thank you for giving me and the world this marvelous tool.

I was very pleasantly surprised at the content and quality of this class. It was much more than I expected. I was so happy to have received the information on the 7th Path™ and it was definitely Body, Mind, and Spirit on the individual, personal level. It is truly a path for personal transformation. The 5-PATH® information was full of concrete steps for success. The systematic approach was very helpful for assimilation and reference points. It is wonderful to know there is a practice that works out there. Cal was a ‘kinda fun, kinda interesting’ instructor. Really — great, knowledgeable, complete, and delivered information in a fun way. I was surprised at his background -in a good way- a true master in this field. Anne was very helpful – very verbal and caring; did a great job. Maureen, excellent in discussing sales tools. Really, really enjoy our time here and all the people on the same Path. We can feel that you care very much about us and our world. T his will help a lot of people. Thank you so much!

I appreciated the organization of manual/materials; Cal’s excellent teaching style – blend of theory and enough videos and stories to illustrate his points. This was an unbelievably good course. Cal was an inspiring teacher.