I appreciate the expansion and the opportunity to grow closer to Delta! Thank you so much for the guidance.

The power of hypnosis & self-hypnosis is unbelievable. I had no problem staying away from the tavern U night clubs since my happy little visit with Cal…

I’ve had many tests of my will to avoid having a drink. And the feeling of refusing is a great feeling.

I truly enjoyed every aspect of the course and felt Cal teaches it with right amount of sarcasm and wit!! His true life experiences and life history bring the concepts of the course into reality, and make the students feel that they too can jump straight in and get better and better with practice. Doing it online with the time difference had its challenges but Cal brought us into the classroom at all times. it felt like we were there and have had the same experience as those in the actual classroom. Supervision with Elronn was very valuable and he gave us great encouragement and tips. Taylor deserves a big mention for helping us get started with the tech side in the first place and sorting out our problems everyday! Thank you Taylor.

I have been teaching and educating adults for over 30 years. Covering a wide spectrum of training modalities. The use of interactive training is in my opinion by far most effective. However, a well designed course structure is also a must for an effective transfer of learning. Cal Banyan’s Advanced Hypnotherapy Training is absolutely phenomenal in content and presentation and insight and most importantly the student immediately applies theory to practice. Cal has integrated complex theory into easy practical and understandable terms that any student with common sense will understand. Thank you Cal, I am honored and pleased to have been trained by the Banyan Hypnosis Center. First Class all the way!

Having had hypnosis training before, I just want to add some extra “tid bits” of knowledge to it. This course turned out to be an “awakening” for me. I now have a concrete framework to utilize. Step by step, to help people to be whole again. This is very exciting. I can’t thank you enough.

I thought Ultimates 1-5 were mind-blowing, but 6-9 are taking me to a whole new level of being and of seeing all beings. Words do not do the Ultimates justice since they are a syncing and elevating of mind, body and spirit that simply must be experienced to be understood. They plug you straight into source and bring a love, strength, joy, clarity and peace that I have never known otherwise in this existence. Thank you, Delta and Cal!

Cal Banyan is clearly an expert and master at what he does. I cannot believe the amount of material I have learned in 10 days. It is a tough course, but, worth it. I feel prepared and confident to be a hypnotherapist.

The class and the instructor far exceeded my expectations. The reputation of the center as providing the highest level of training is well earned. Will recommend it to all others who ask my opinion

This course provided for intellectual, spiritual, and emotional development, and the instructor was in complete control of all elements of the course content. Especially impressive was Cal’s commentaries on his demonstration hypnoses, when he explained the subtleties of his work, showing that he is consciously in control of the entire session.