The course is fabulous-a total package

I came into this course feeling unsure of myself, wondering how the heck I would ever be competent in doing hypnotherapy for people. I am coming out of this course today, feeling confident, competent, and having the courage to practice what I’ve learned. The course is fabulous-a total package of practical information & experience that gives the student more knowledge & skill than any other courses out there. The cost of the course is more than reasonable; each member of the Banyan team is more than generous with their time, experience, knowledge, guidance, positive care giving and cheerleading (and they’re just plain nice, too! It was nice to never have to worry about coffee & snacks)! The instructor miraculously covers and impossible amount of material in 10 days and requires students to get their hypno-feet wet right away-no one graduates without proving that he or she can really do this work. It is inconceivable to me to learn that many courses offered elsewhere do not provide such a rigorous practicum. This course is the cutting edge in bringing a real standard of professionalism to this field. I feel confident that the training &materials I’ve received have empowered me to go home & begin my business-of helping people & making a living that I can be proud of. Everyone at this center is teaching-I’ve learned a lot from the office assistant, interns and IT folks-I learned a lot from the way the center environment is set up. My only criticism: I would have preferred not being in fluorescent light for so long.

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