About Cal "calbanyan" Banyan

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Posts by calbanyan

It is rare for me to find a field where the expert in that field is as skilled an instructor as he is a specialist

It is rare for me to find a field where the expert in that field is as skilled an instructor as he is a specialist. Cal’s ability to be the expert and still teach from his expertise created a learning environment filled with professionalism, integrity and value. A systematic approach with enough flexibility to accommodate […]

7th Path was completely revealing, inspirational journey vibrating deeply into my soul with divine messages

7th- Path was completely revealing, inspirational journey vibrating deeply into my soul with divine messages. This technique brought a lot of clarity and profound positive personal change. I received this gift, from our instructor Cal D.Banyan, with joy and gratitude and I commit myself to share it as a 7th path teacher. With great pleasure, […]

Course was detailed, extensive & life changing

Course was detailed, extensive & life changing.This course is highly recommended to the practicing hypnotist/hypnotherapist. This systematic approach is valuable & developed by a subject matter expert whom has exhibited knowledge, skill & experience. The 7th Path course has effected personal change; a lifetime struggle until now. The instructor delivered the course in a professional, […]

Dear Professor Banyan…is so fitting and appropriate

Dear Professor Banyan, Yes, this is the start of my commentary about the 5-PATH® & 7th Path™ course. The salutation, “Dear Professor Banyan…is so fitting and appropriate. My explanation is as follows: DEAR – applies to Cal Banyan perfectly! Because he is unconditionally, committed to imparting a “humanistic, loving manner of “Love” to all. He […]