As a second-time participant in the 5-PATH® and 7th-PATH™ training, I was even more impressed with the quality of the very special program. The 5-PATH7reg; training is distinctly unique from others in that it provides you with the skills, techniques, and information necessary to transform you into the ‘cream of the crop’ in the field of hypnosis. You additionally receive a better understanding of yourself with the 7th-PATH™, which provides you with the confidence necessary to build a successful hypnosis practice. Thanks again Cal and Maureen for this wonderful experience.

This course has been much more than a Hypnosis Certification and Advanced Hypnotherapy course, the depth of information presented, the systematic 5-PATH® methodology will revolutionalize how you do hypnosis. 7th Path Self-Hypnosis™ is the most powerful tool for personal transformation that I have experienced. Combining 5-PATH® with 7th Path™, provides a remarkably simple and elegant delivery system to produce deeply powerful and permanent changes in your clients. This class is remarkable, outstanding and life changing.

I am a psychotherapist in private practice for nineteen years. I have been on a continuous quest for therapeutic methods that work. 5-PATH® training delivered more than I ever imagined. The structure, logic, and power of this training is amazing. Cal Banyan had a reason for every technique and concept. His presentation was intense. If you sign up, get ready for a ride.

The things I truly appreciate about the instructor, Cal Banyan, are his passion for hypnotherapy; the depth and diversity of his knowledge and experience; and his clear commitment to training hypnotherapists who are “1%’ers” — or the “cream of the crop.” And that leads me to discuss what I liked most about the “Advanced Hypnotherapy” course. One thing is that the course taught concrete measurable techniques to determine whether a client has achieved depth of at least the Level 4 – Threshold of Somnambulism, which is necessary for Age Regression and for doing deeper work. The purpose, use, and technique of convincers was also very valuable and clearly explained, with many opportunities to practice. Indeed, we practiced daily for at least an hour at the end of each day.

Very importantly, Cal taught us about “the Secret Language of Feelings,” which focuses on the role of emotions in the cause of problems and issues in our lives — and how to use Age Regression to remove erroneous perceptions that cause feelings that we don’t like; and how these erroneous feelings cause us to engage in dysfunctional, unhealthy behavious to distract ourselves away from the unwanted feelings.

7th Path Self-Hypnosis® is an amazing process to cleanse and focus the mind. It brings up all the negative self-talk and chatter in the mind, and allows time and space to get that out and let it go. After doing the practice several times for 1 week, I felt more positive, more clear, and more calm.

5-PATH® Hypnotherapy has provided me skills to feel more confident as a professional hypnotherapist — and has left me knowing that I now truly have thereapeutic tools, skills, and practices that are useful, effective and valuable for clients — to truly help them get results. I also feel more confident to charge clients a fee that reflects the time worth of my work. Thank you, Cal. What a blessing this course has been!

This has been a wonderful course and a fertile field for self growth and facilitating the growth of others. The start of a healing journey! Thank You!

More than a world-class learning opportunity, for me, the Advanced Hypnotherapy training with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® was a positive, life changing experience. Thank you, Cal; I really appreciated the no-nonsense approach. It is hard to believe how much I got out of this in two powerful weeks!

Difficult to imagine what would be better. This is the quintessential learning point. So very fortunate I found this school. Thanks

First, I thank Cal and Maureen and the staff. And thank you for giving me second time opportunities to study. This time I learned a lot and I felt that I’ve gained my confidence more. If you have Master Hypnotherapy Course, I may take that. I’ll check your website to see any classes you offer. Thank you very much.