This was by far the best and most informative class I have ever taken
This was by far the best and most informative class I have ever taken. The material was presented in a very professional manner. There was a lot of information – it’s still being processed, creating a journey to learn more and expand my knowledge of all that was presented. The staff was very supportive and assisted, helped, coached to help get the desired results that were being presented and practiced. Cal does an excellent job in the presentation of all the materials, very knowledgeable on the videos being presented. To me the way Hypnotism was presented was vastly different than what I had seen or heard from others that have taken different courses. The 5-PATH® process is simply the best way to do hypnosis on a client, getting to the core to solve the conflicts. 7th Pathâ„¢, I can’t describe it, the class has to be taken to experience the change it brings about in you. Thank you Cal.
Vern De Buhr, Sun City, California